View Profile jnry3
Consultant by day, musician by night. ^_^

John Reynoso @jnry3

Age 43, Male

ERP Consultant

Quezon City, Philippines

Joined on 8/9/07

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jnry3's News

Posted by jnry3 - June 27th, 2009

...then it will be meant to be. I sent my demos to a player in the music industry. I wonder how far it'll go.

Posted by jnry3 - April 3rd, 2009

I just wanted to share what I read from my wife's blog. Enjoy reading!


It amazes me sometimes how John and I are able to sustain a relationship despite our differences. And to make things "worse" we decided to seal our fate and got married. Like I said, it amazes me. Why? Well here are a few things from the top of my head that makes us so different from each other.

1. I love spicy food. He steers away from them as his tolerance is close to zero.
2. I used to love ketchup and condiments on my food. I can't now since I steer away from them due to my beloved vertigo. He on the other hand wants his food as it was given to him. Simple.
3. He likes eating the fat part of chicken and pork. I don't.
4. I love seafood. He's not a big fan of those.
5. He likes red meat. I am not a big fan of it.
6. I love white chocolate. He loves the dark ones. For the record, I hate those.
7. He is book smart. I am not.
8. I am street smart. He is not that smart when it comes to such matters.
9. I am outgoing. He is not.
10. I am talkative. He can do without talking to anybody else. I used to annoy him during lectures in college.
11. I love junk food. He doesn't.
12. I am a bit shy. He is more confident.
13. He squeezes the toothpaste tube from the end and he accuses me of squeezing it from the middle. Mind the word "accuses".

The list can go on. But when I look at it, they're pretty petty. Now I know why we are able to be in a relationship. Because even though we have so many qualities that are not alike, at the end of the day, we are on the same page on what really matters. What can I say? We believe in the same things and we are both open minded enough to talk things through.

Posted by jnry3 - December 2nd, 2008

I got this letter six hours before my wedding from my dearest Katrina May, and I want to share what it said:

Dear John,

The first time you told me that you liked me, I didn't have the slightest idea that it would be a start of something wonderful. I am thankful that we were given the chance to be together through everything that we've been through. I knew I always seem to be a non-believer but you made me believe. I was so anxious before about speeding things up and you told me that in time destiny will show up. And you were right. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, I always come back to you. I have resisted you so many times, yet you persisted. You have made me believe in fate and destiny.

I have fallen in and out of love with you, but you were still there. You are really one of the kindest people I have ever met and I love you for that. Through your ways you made me fall in love with you all over again. It may not be as intense as the first time, but it is definitely eternal.

In I found my partner, lover, and best friend. I always thank God for bringing you to me. Today, I become your wife. After 6 years of ups and downs, we will be man and wife. I have no doubt that you will be the best husband that I can ever have and I am grateful for that. I never asked for it, but God gave it to me. You are without a doubt my first, last and forever.

Happy 6th anniversary!


Your soon-to-be-wife,


A Letter Before My Wedding

Posted by jnry3 - July 25th, 2008

I'm going to take a break from NG. There's too much going on in life right now, and I need to focus on certain things.

I'll be back.

Posted by jnry3 - July 21st, 2008

I turned twenty-seven last July 11, 2008. As usual, I always panic whenever my birthday would come around. You see, I have this checklist of things to achieve before I roll over and die.

So how am I doing? Well... so far, so good, actually.

I'm getting married on the 3rd of December. Cool, huh? Best part is that I'm marrying the girl of my dreams. It wouldn't be the grandest of weddings (I would pull that off if I were a multimillionaire, though), but it will be the best day of my life.

I'm also engineering my album. I'm still not done, though, but it's better to make it sound good before I publicize it. I'm taking my time. I got two completed tracks (but for remastering, anyway), and two in the engineering phase ("Revolution" and "All The Things You Said").

I also opened an account at GarageBand. So far, I'm getting good reviews from fellow musicians. I'll still post my songs here since your reviews are gold.

Maybe this will be a great year. Maybe this WILL be a great year. ^_^

Posted by jnry3 - May 19th, 2008

Okay, good news first. I got myself a SoundBlaster Live! 24-bit USB card (my work laptop was replaced, and the new one has a soundcard that sucks), and I'm still working on the vocals.

Album art is also directed by yours truly, with imagery and editing by JP Sarmenta. I'm optimistic that the album art will come out great.

The songs have also been copyrighted with rough vocal recordings.

The line-up is also finalized; 15 tracks total:

1. 30 Days To Live
2. Revolution
3. Rock Rock Rockstar
4. All The Things You Said (They're Playing Our Song)
5. Diamonds
6. Journey of a Kite
7. Bring The Sun Back
8. Half-Awake
9. Bye Baby Bye
10. I Shouldn't Fall In Love With You
11. I Will Not Apologize
12. Dontoktumi!
13. Solitary Worlds
14. Takin' A Vacation
15. Bituin

Now for the bad news... if I hurry, it'll be out by June 2008. Conservative target right now is on my 27th birthday on the 11th of July.

Here's a picture of the CDs used for copyrighting. ^_^

Album Progress -- Some good news, some bad news...

Posted by jnry3 - March 30th, 2008

I read a massive rant by Nick Perrin as regards to the sad truth about being a composer. I have to say that it is a legitimate and realistic rant crammed into two words: "We suck."

I replied with a long essay as well, throwing a different light on most of his rants.


I like your essay. Yes, we all suck, true.

That's why we keep on trying. We keep on striving to improve ourselves. Music is an art and science, both of which require talent and skill.

As far as talent goes, well, there are really the incredibly talented people. Geniuses, in simple terms. They just learn faster, write faster, and evolve faster than the rest of us.

The question "is this meant for me?" is a killer question. In fact, that question made me stop writing songs for 4 years. It just occurred to me a year ago that the naturally talented bunch just keeps on writing. The difference is that we fuck up more than they do.

I've written more than a hundred songs, of which 70% go to the trash bin anyway, or the recycling bin. I keep on trying, though. I'm still writing. I still desire to make it to mainstream radio. I keep on going EVEN IF SOME PEOPLE TELL ME THAT I SUCK ANYWAY.

As in anything, praise and condemnation is subjective. In both ways, these keep me going. Praise gives me a moral boost, and every "you suck" comment (which hopefully have comments as what to improve) is a challenge to make myself better.

A composition is a composition as a painting is a painting. I find Picasso weird, and I think the Beatles and Led Zeppelin are still cool. Sometimes, I wrote stuff that I think sucked, but people found them to be great.

Good is subjective, and is quantified by the effect it has on another person. I personally find Kanye West good. Some think he shouldn't be writing music at all. I have condemned so many songs on the radio, but some people actually find it cool. It's called target audience.

It's funny seeing people praise themselves despite the fact that we think they suck. It's equally funny having other people think we suck, too. Ego actually counts... it's what keeps us going. Everytime we write something new, it gives a feeling of "eureka" or "cool!", and it's fuel to a fire. We become proud.

Here's where humility kicks in. A day after, we should think that what we did the day before sucked. From here, we analyze: what would make it better? It should never end in one, two, a hundred takes. We just need to get getting better and better. Hear every praise and rant; they all count.

I wouldn't do that to my girl. She rarely praises me, by the way. When she does, I'd say "thank you" and be happy that she appreciated what I did. I have at least one fan in the world. Don't throw her away; she just wants you to know that she's behind you. She may be ignorant to the things (or songs) that you deem greater, but if you look closer into it, she just doesn't want you to give up.

To the proud and egotistic, let them be. They will learn the hard way if they close their minds into being their own personal genius.

As to you, my good sir, I think you still have a long way to go. Same road as where I am.

Thank you for your rant, by the way. And yeah, I know I suck. I'm just stubborn enough to keep on going.

I've had praises from local songwriting legends (they spent time without my consent in improving the mixing of my songs a few years back), and had discounts from studios because I was on a budget. These felt great -- they told me indirectly to keep on going. It would kill my growth, though, if I just hung that in my head as my pinnacle.

Here's an ending thought: the talented have it easy. It's just like a history quiz (I suck at memorizing, but I'm good at math, hehe), we just have to work harder to get a better score.


I hope that you would find this to be a good read (or an editable text for English homeworks). ^_^

Posted by jnry3 - March 21st, 2008

I have recorded most of the songs in Reason 3 already. Instruments have also been treated (EQ and panning). No vocals yet.

Listing has changed -- from 10 to 12. Now, it's 15. Might have a final cut to 12 or 14.

1. 30 Days To Live
2. All The Things You Said
3. Takin' A Vacation
4. I Will Not Apologize
5. Half-Awake
6. Diamonds
7. Solitary Worlds
8. Dontoktumi!
9. I Shouldn't Fall In Love
10. Can't Let Go
11. Bring The Sun Back
12. Selosa (Jealous Girl)
13. Bituin (Star)
14. Revolution
15. Journey Of A Kite

I think I'll be on target for May 2008. Stay tuned! ^_^

Posted by jnry3 - February 19th, 2008

Well... not quite. I've recorded a lot of my new songs in Reason 3, with mixing and effects as well.

The album has working title: Wake Me Up at Six. It should only have 10 songs, but upon the requests of some of my good friends, I've decided to push for 12 tracks.

I've been listening to The Cure recently, so expect some influence from this band to my sound. ^_^

Here's the track listing, in no particular order:
1. All The Things You Said
2. Journey of a Kite
3. Half-Awake
4. Diamonds
5. Solitary Worlds
6. I Will Not Apologize To You
7. Dontoktumi!
8. I Shouldn't Fall In Love
9. Can't Let Go
10. Bring The Sun Back
11. Selosa (Jealous Girl)
12. Bituin (Star)

Timeline has also been pushed to May 2008. Stay tuned! ^_^

Posted by jnry3 - December 11th, 2007

First of all, to receive news on all upcoming songs via PM, please add me to your favorite audio artists list.

I'm still busy with real life (or work -- I'm taking this 5-minute break to type this down here), but after this IT project goes live, I'm planning to do a couple of things for the NGAP (in no particular order).

I still owe recordings to two guys at the Pinoy NG. I'll do that real soon.

I'll be re-recording (or recording new) the vocals on some (or all) of these tracks, as well as do some rearranging. I'm planning to turn this into a full-length album.

01. ^ Half-Awake
02. ~ Bring The Sun Back
03. ^ Bituin (Star)
04. ~ Journey of a Kite
05. * Am I The One?
06. ~ All The Things You Said
07. ~ I Shouldn't Fall In Love With You
08. ~ Dontoktumi!
09. % Bye Baby Bye
10. % Unfinished Romance

(c)2002 by John Reynoso^
(c)2003 by John Reynoso*
(c)2007 by John Reynoso~
Previously unreleased; no copyright%